Is vertigo a medical emergency?
Vertigo itself is not typically a medical emergency, but it can be a symptom of an underlying issue that requires immediate attention. Seek medical advice if you experience sudden or severe vertigo.
Can vertigo be cured?
The outcome of vertigo treatment depends on its underlying cause. Many cases can be managed effectively, providing relief from symptoms.
What should I do during a vertigo episode?
During a vertigo episode, it’s essential to sit or lie down to prevent falls or injuries. Avoid driving or operating heavy machinery until the episode passes.
Are there home remedies for vertigo?
Some individuals find relief from vertigo symptoms through techniques like the Epley maneuver, but it’s crucial to consult a healthcare professional for a proper diagnosis and guidance.
Can vertigo recur after treatment?
Vertigo can recur, especially if its underlying cause is a chronic condition. However, effective management can reduce the frequency and severity of episodes.
Take Control Of Your Vertigo And Regain Your Sense
Of Balance And Well-Being
Contact us today to learn more about evaluation, diagnosis, and personalized treatment options tailored to your specific needs.